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Stars Bruce Dern, Pat Priest and Casey Kasum! What a wacky, gruesome little film this is. Low budget feature with a scientist and his assistant transplanting two heads on various animals. When an escaped murderer shows up and is killed, they decide to step up the experiments with human subjects. They transplant the killers head onto the hulking dim-witted hired hand (A Lenny-type). It makes for a rampaging monster, running off to kill people everywhere. So weird to see Bruce Dern, Pat Priest (Marilyn in The Munsters) and American Top 40 DJ Casey Kasum parading through this film.

I saw this as a kid on the CBS Late Movie at 11:30PM one Friday night. Not to be confused with the THE THING WITH TWO HEADS; this is much grittier. Optional Riff-Track, trailer, interviews.